
We make the best, for the best.
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A dedication to excellence

Everyone on our team works tierelessly to provide you the best coffee, oils, and incense. Our team has been together for years and knows what it takes to deliver the very best.

Our Team

Bill Tomlinson

Our health driven chef.

Trish Bradley

Works tierelessly on our incense and oils

Stacey Lindhurst

Cordinates our packages and curration specialist

Jeof Giovanni

Sales and customer care extrordinaire

Our Core

Daily Ritual

We know that vegtable puree is more than just a drink, vitamins are more than a smell, and oils are more than a fad.

Share With Friends

We know your customers share your teas, oils, and vitamins with the people you love so we put a lot of love into our products

Your Source

The where your products comes from is just as important as the when and the why

The Journey

Your products should take you somewhere, we want to be your gide